Thursday, October 8, 2009

Take comfort in your siblings.. especially if you're the youngest

When I'm feeling like I'm fighting a lone battle with my mom, I remind myself that I have an older brother and sister who have been through it all.

I also remind myself that they probably had it harder than I did. They took the first leap with a lot of things, familiarizing my mom with American/modern culture so I didn't have to as much. They asked for cell phones first, went to prom before I did, and escaped to college years before me. So when it came around for my turn, the battle wasn't as bloody.

It's also fun trading stories with my sister, who went to the same college as I'm attending now. We IM each other to share funny e-mails or phone conversations we had with mom. My sister reminisces, remembering the arguments she had in college, and I look forward to having some about painting my apartment crazy colors or picking a lower paying, but more fun job.. hoping that my sister did a good job preparing my mom for me!

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